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My 2023 TBR

December 12: A Super Secret Hint About an Exciting Project!

This week I’m sharing some of the books at the top of my TBR for 2023. They all have something in common—but you’ll have to wait till Friday to find out what, when I’ll finally announce a project I’ve been working on for months!

I’m sipping on Cloud Mist Green from the white2tea tea club.

Books Mentioned:

Solo Dance by Li Kotomi, tr. by Arthur Reiji Morris

A Long Way from Douala by Max Lobe

Confessions of the Fox by Jordy Rosenberg

Brown Neon by Raquel Gutiérrez

None of the Above by Travis Albanza

XOXY by Kimberly M. Zieselman

Please excuse Nessa barking in the background. I’m not good enough at video editing yet to cut her out!

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Bookish Teatime
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Laura Sackton